You have jst basically copied Asylum UK. For gods sake use your own brain. In some instances you even copied it word for word. This movie is practically not yours, jst someone elses decent movie with your crap shoved in the middle of it!
You have jst basically copied Asylum UK. For gods sake use your own brain. In some instances you even copied it word for word. This movie is practically not yours, jst someone elses decent movie with your crap shoved in the middle of it!
HAHAHA, you moron.
hmmmm....not sure
I'm not sure about the actual movie...little wierd. But from what I can see from the preloader, you have very good flash design and animation skills.
I have been animating for a long while now. I just like making things which make people go:
Thanks for the review =)
Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.
Age 34, Male
Lady Lumleys School
North Yorkshire - ENGLAND
Joined on 10/16/04